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Get to Know Your Dentist: Dr. Kay

Dr. Howard B. Kay received his undergraduate education at the University of Florida and earned his Doctor of Dental Surgery degree (DDS) from Emory University School of Dentistry in 1968.

Following a two-year tour as a dental officer in the United States Navy, he completed his postdoctoral residency at Boston University School of Graduate Dentistry, where he received his Certificate of Advanced Graduate Study in Prosthetic Dentistry in 1972.

In 1973, Dr. Kay established Palm Beach Prosthodontics, the first practice in Palm Beach County limited to prosthetic dentistry.

Why did you establish Palm Beach Prosthodontics?

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From your perspective as one of the foremost pioneers in dentistry in Palm Beach County, what changes have you seen in dental care over in the last 50 years?

This is an answer to the question that was asked. This is an answer to the question that was asked. This is an answer to the question that was asked. This is an answer to the question that was asked.

What would you like your patients to know about you?

This is an answer to the question that was asked. This is an answer to the question that was asked. This is an answer to the question that was asked. This is an answer to the question that was asked.

What are some of your hobbies outside of your practice?

This is an answer to the question that was asked. This is an answer to the question that was asked. This is an answer to the question that was asked.

What other questions do you have for Dr. Kay? Post them in the comment section below!


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